4 min read

The importance of Digital Transformation | Business survival

Published on
September 16, 2024
A flat colour graphic featuring a blue squiggle background. The word 'Transformation' is prominently positioned, standing out against the blue background and the squiggly pattern.

Why you don’t want to see the finish line

Digital transformation represents a fundamental shift in how organisations operate, driven by the need to integrate technology at scale. The goal? To create a lasting competitive edge by enhancing customer experiences and cutting costs, but more than this, digital transformation has become a must have for organisations.

Digital transformation is survival

Surviving in today’s business world is like trying to stay afloat in a rapidly changing ocean. The currents (representing market demands and competition) constantly shift, and the water level (technology) rises continuously. If you don’t learn to swim with the tides—by adopting new technologies and adapting your strategies—you risk being pulled under. Just as a swimmer needs to be agile and aware of their surroundings to stay afloat, businesses need to stay alert and flexible, continuously evolving to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise. Those who fail to adapt may find themselves sinking while others surge ahead. This is where the need for a well-defined digital transformation strategy becomes clear - it is no longer just about gaining an edge—it's about survival. Leaders must be explicit about their vision for digital transformation and ensure their teams are aligned to it. Without this clarity, any efforts to modernise are likely to falter.

Are we there yet?

Digital transformation needs to be treated like modern business transformations. While traditional business transformations typically conclude once a specific goal is reached, digital and modern business transformations need to be ongoing. These initiatives don’t have a finish line because technology continues to evolve. Executives embarking on this journey will find themselves continuously adapting as the integration of new technology becomes an enduring aspect of business strategy. One example of this evolution is the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in driving business insights and decision-making and transforming productivity throughout organisation.

This shift isn’t going unnoticed. According to research by McKinsey & Co, about 90 percent of organisations are currently engaged in some form of digital transformation and 199 of the companies listed in the S&P 500 mentioned AI in their first quarter earnings updates in 2024. For transformation efforts to succeed, they must be seen as a top priority, starting from the CEO down.

In closing

Ultimately, the success of digital transformations hinges less on how companies use technology and more on how they evolve to become truly digital. Organisations that focus on continuously adapting their processes, culture, and operations to leverage technology will be better positioned to thrive in the long term.