Web design
5 min read

5 Tips for Website Redesigns: Maximizing Impact with the Right Tools

Published on
September 16, 2024
A flat colour graphic with a blue squiggle background. The word 'Web' is displayed in a green gradient, creating a striking contrast against the blue background and the squiggly graphic.

Website Redesigns: Maximising Impact with the Right Tools

Redesigning your website is more than just a visual upgrade—it’s an opportunity to realign your site with your business goals, improve user experience (UX), and drive measurable results such as higher conversion rates or better lead generation. Whether you’re seeking a more powerful marketing tool or simply need a modernised, user-friendly interface, the key to a successful redesign is careful planning and tool selection. In this guide, we’ll explore five tips to ensure your redesign is effective, including a look at different web builders and the pros and cons of migrating your site.

1. Establish Clear Goals for the Redesign

Before diving into any redesign, it’s crucial to define the objectives. Are you aiming for better UX, improved marketing capabilities, or increased lead generation? Establishing clear goals helps guide the redesign process and ensures that your changes lead to meaningful results.

  • Better Marketing Tool: Your redesigned site should integrate seamlessly with CRM platforms and marketing automation tools to streamline campaign efforts.
  • Improved UX: Focus on reducing friction points for users, ensuring easy navigation and a more intuitive interface.
  • Increased Conversions: Optimise your site for clear calls-to-action (CTAs), faster loading times, and mobile responsiveness.

2. Evaluate Web Builder Options

Choosing the right platform for your redesigned website is essential to achieving your goals. Below are three popular web builders, along with their pros and cons:


Webflow is a powerful web design platform that allows for custom designs and complex interactions, without requiring deep coding knowledge.


  • Complete design flexibility.
  • Built-in SEO and CMS features.
  • Excellent for responsive design and animations.


  • Steeper learning curve compared to other platforms.
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners due to its complexity.


WordPress remains one of the most popular website builders thanks to its flexibility and a vast ecosystem of plugins.


  • Highly customisable with thousands of themes and plugins.
  • Open-source with a large support community.
  • Strong SEO capabilities with plugins like Yoast.


  • Can be prone to security vulnerabilities if not maintained.
  • Requires third-party hosting and management.


Squarespace is a popular choice for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution with a focus on sleek design and ease of use.


  • Easy drag-and-drop interface.
  • Beautiful, professionally designed templates.
  • Hosting included with the platform.


  • Limited customisation compared to other platforms.
  • SEO tools are less advanced than other platforms.

3. Consider the Pros and Cons of Migrating Site Builders

If you’re thinking of moving your site to a new platform, there are several factors to weigh. Migration can offer new opportunities but can also come with challenges.

Pros of Migrating:

  • Enhanced Functionality: Modern platforms like Webflow or WordPress offer more advanced features, integrations, and performance improvements.
  • Improved User Experience: A newer platform may provide better UX tools, such as responsive design or faster load times.
  • Future-Proofing: Migrating to a more scalable platform ensures your website can grow alongside your business.

Cons of Migrating:

  • Data Transfer Challenges: Migrating content, assets, and data can be complex, especially with custom plugins or features.
  • Learning Curve: Moving to a new platform means learning how to use it efficiently, which can slow down initial productivity.
  • Potential SEO Impact: Poorly managed migrations may affect your SEO rankings temporarily as search engines adjust to the new structure.

4. Focus on User Experience (UX) Improvements

User experience should be a key focus in any website redesign. Start by auditing your current site to identify pain points and areas where users might be dropping off. Improving UX can involve:

  • Streamlined Navigation: Make it easy for users to find key information or products.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your redesign works flawlessly on all devices, as mobile traffic continues to grow.
  • Speed Optimisation: Page load times play a big role in both user satisfaction and SEO rankings.

5. Test, Measure, and Optimize After Launch

A website redesign doesn’t end when the site goes live. Use A/B testing and analytics to measure the success of your redesign efforts. Key metrics to monitor include:

  • Conversion Rates: Track whether the changes in design, layout, and CTAs are driving more conversions.
  • User Engagement: Monitor session durations, bounce rates, and user flow to ensure visitors are navigating your site as intended.
  • SEO Performance: Ensure your new site structure, content, and meta data are optimised for search engines.


A successful website redesign hinges on clearly defined goals, the right web builder, and a focus on improving user experience. Whether you’re migrating to a new platform like Webflow or updating your existing WordPress site, weigh the pros and cons carefully. By keeping user needs front and centre and continuously optimising post-launch, you’ll ensure your redesign delivers the results you’re aiming for—whether that’s improved UX, increased conversion rates, or a more effective marketing tool.